From Single To Marriage Or Your Life-partner
In my experience, once you genuinely get to this place that I am describing now … you won’t be single that long anymore and more importantly, you are more likely to attract your life-partner or a soul mate.
Often, after a break up, we find ourselves in the next situationship with someone new. I am not judging that and maybe, that is exactly what we need on our journey.
However, when you reach a certain point at which you want to find a person that you can have a future with - like I had - let me share what has worked for me.
You need to heal !!
There are a couple of ways to do that.
You can circular date and use it as a free therapy .. What's important to internalize is that you are not dating in order to meet someone. You date in order to find out about yourself.
Exploring about who you are, what you value, how you want to feel when being with someone, about how it feels to be in your feminine energy and when in your masculine energy, about your triggers, patterns, beliefs and all your emotions…
It’s an amazing way to explore as long as you are not actively looking for a partner.
Next to that, I highly recommend you find a coach or therapist who can give you perspective and support while you are healing and doing this inner work.
Get brutally honest with yourself
Part of that process is to find out and get brutally honest with yourself about what it is that you actually want, need and desire in a partnership.
Supported by self-love and acceptance of your worthiness you can allow yourself to gracefully expect from the Universe to have everything that you desire in a partner / partnership.
And you will be able to communicate authentically and openly all that without being afraid of rejection. The moment you fully own yourself … no one will judge you. And if someone does … you just don’t care and are actually happy that the person showed their face right away.
You understand, they are simply judgemental about themselves and projecting it on you…
Get clear, brainstorm, feel, write down & embrace your overall happily ever after *
Your needs:
How do you want to feel with a partner:
Your values:
Your non-negotiables:
The lifestyle you want to live:
Your vision:
Your priorities in life:
*Those things can and will change during your life. What I speak about in my other materials is that it's actually easier to attract a soulmate once you've mated your own soul first. That includes you’ve found your purpose in life and you know where your mission is pulling you.
Be willing to address those things early on when dating and let go whatever is not in alignment with it
When we are crystal clear about what we want, we send a certain vibration into the Universe and our desires manifest. We only need to trust in divine timing.
Once you’re clear on your overall ‘happily ever after’, you will be able to peacefully let go of any potential partner or potential relationship that does not fit in the vision you have.
You are so happy to rather be single (even if it's for years) than enter into something where you have to constantly compromise.
Your most important goal is to create and hold peace and harmony within yourself. And you do that by staying in alignment with what is true for you (and on your list).
Yes, of course there will be agreements with someone, where you might not get 100% of what you want at this moment but you and the person have a shared agreement and alignment on your values, vision and lifestyle.
Speaking about it early on in a dating experience was the shift for me.
I won’t have sex with a person until I get clear on all the things that are important for me and until I feel I am on the same page with someone.
And yes, it takes courage to address and talk about all those aspects early in a dating experience.
You need to be so clear and determined that you want to talk about it.
At the same time, it needs to be done lightly without pressure or heaviness.
From an authentic, feminine place of curiosity and exploration.
That only can happen when there is no urgency, fear, attachment and neediness inside yourself. And when you can trust and surrender into the timing of the Universe.
It's not about feeling entitled and demanding things from a certain man. It's simply about knowing what you want and knowing that your man is out there. While you're dating and focussing on the experience sooner or later he is just showing up and you both will feel and know it.
Get clear before you get sexually involved
When you jump too soon into sexual interaction and sexual chemistry before having the vulnerable conversations … it makes it harder to have them.
It will give you tremendous ease and peace, speaking your mind without clouded sexual confusion.
It's great to wait before sex or any kind of commitment as long as possible.
And please get me right. Personally, sex is one of the most important aspects in a relationship to me. This is the highest form of communication and connects us with our partner. It is powerful and sacred. Especially when the sex is fulfilling and feminine and masculine energies are in place. I speak about Tantra in other materials.
Since there lies so much power in sex, it's important to be deliberate about it.
Most of us women get emotional and more attached to a man when we start sleeping with him. Even worse, sometimes we try to bond the man to us or want to make a man like us more. We (subconsciously) use sex as a weapon as there are still parts in us that believe we are only loved for our bodies.
Men might want to confirm your genuine interest in them by getting intimate, they might use sex as a form of validation and for some it's just desire and lust or getting caught up in the moment …
Again, it takes maturity and trust into our worth, that we are enough and that we are loved by being ourselves with all our feelings, emotions and needs.
Can we sit in a room, talk and just enjoy each other's presence?
I find it's great to have phone calls before or during meeting someone physically in order to really focus on talking and going deeper with a person.
Often, we do fun things together when we date - which is amazing - and at the same time it can also distract us from really sitting down and talking with a person and experience how comfortable it feels and if that’s even possible.
This is what tells us if we really like each other!
Be open and be not afraid to face reality and to dive deeper.
Sometimes, we sense that once we go deeper, it won’t work out with this person and so we rather distract ourselves or jump into activities that cloud our pure feeling and judgment about a partnership.
Remember, you want to find yourself in a marriage or life partnership with a natural alignment of your needs, values, energies, visions …
Wherever you’re at on your journey, I am here for you.
I can help you to establish this connection with your heart again so that you will feel and know what’s important to you. And you will be able to own it, when your needs are not met.
You learn to speak your truth and to be courageously authentic.
Book a free discovery call with me!
Love, Stephanie