My Favorite Ways To Let Go And Feel Beautifully At Ease
Sometimes it's challenging to say whether change is our friend or our enemy.
Good news, it depends on your perspective and so it's exactly what you make out of it.
If you flow with it, trust and embrace it, change can be your friend.
If you resist what’s happening, it feels painful and like an enemy.
So if you allow what's happening, you can make all changes work on your behalf and you hold the power, instead of feeling like a victim of circumstances. And no one can give you that power or take away that power from you.
The following perspectives can help you to embrace the change and feel at ease.
Drop resistance, allow and trust
What if the changes are taking you to a good place? All change is actually moving us where we wish to go. It is getting us there faster than we would have gotten there if we were left to our own fearful or manipulative devices.
Lets say a break up or the man you date pulls away or ghosted you …
At this moment, we might not be able to see that a better man is just waiting around the corner down the street.
When we can trust and flow with the stream however, we feel good.
How can I thank the Universe already now, for that event and trust that the river of life takes me to a better place when I’m willing to move with it and discover what that better place is?
“Trust would settle every problem now”*
When you’re in pain, there is always some kind of mistrust. So the question becomes, what would trust give you? Where would trust lead you? That mistrust or resistance or fear has not led you.
So ask yourself, if I would trust more with that situation? Where would that trust take me? How could trust help me settle this problem now? That my mistrust hasn't.
Maybe you need to trust your inner guidance and stop something you do, maybe you need to do nothing? Maybe you need to do something and act?
When you go within and sincerely ask your heart, you’ll have the answer. And this will take you to a better place.
What comes of itself, let it come. What goes of itself, let it go
When you hold on to something that wants to leave or when you try to grab what isn’t ready to come …
That's when you get stuck, that's when you get trapped.
You’re not allowing what wants to come instead in your life and what wants to go out of your life …
Often I ask my clients, why do you want to pursue someone who doesn’t want you? This has often nothing to do with you but with the other person. It's just a statement that this is not really a match as things or people that match, come together easily and naturally. And things that are not naturally fit, it's not worth trying to make them fit or come together.
And once you can let go of that person or situation you can make space for someone or something that loves and appreciates and honors you.
You can’t be holding on to and fighting for something you don’t have and be open to receive what wants to find you.
The truth is, there is a match for everyone and in every area of life! And the Universe has miraculous ways to bring people together. When it's right and when it's time and when it's purpose.
All coming together of any kind is about alignment.
The key here is to be true to your own self. In order to attract what belongs to you and matches you.
You have to let your vibrational signature be loud and clear. You say:
“This is who i am … this is how I live … this is what I stand for … this is what I want”.
And as according to the law of attraction ‘that which is like itself attracts itself.’ That which matches itself shows up.
And the Universe will deliver to you with the least effort on your part the right people, relationships, partners, health, business, money and living situation ...
So be what and who you are and that which belongs to you will find its way to you.
“That’s which is mine, will know my face” or “What’s for me, can’t miss me”
Even when someone seems not the right match, sometimes it's just not the right timing to connect with a person. It gives you ease and you can let go better when you simply can trust that life will bring you together again, if it is meant to be.
Everything is what it wants to be
The right of consciousness means that everything that matches your consciousness will come to you easily and organically. And everything that doesn’t match your consciousness will depart from you or it’ll be invisible to you and not even show up in your life. Because it does not belong to you.
And isn’t that amazing? You actually don’t want to fight for things that don’t belong to you. You don’t want such things.
If you have a partnership that doesn’t work, don’t fight for it. Don’t try to make something out of it, that it is not.
Every job situation, living situation, health situation, business deal, relationship, friendship …
Let everything be what it wants to be and life will take care of you gracefully, and joyfully, and wholeheartedly and your life can become a divine dance in which everything that belongs to you, shows up by divine order. That’s the way it is!
If your horse dies, get off
We often try to hang on to jobs or relationships because we’ve been with that person or situation for so long. Even if those are dead or boring … It's because we know the status quo so well and even if the status quo sucks, we prefer to hang on to it. Only the fear of the unknown is hindering us to move on.
Free that person to be with someone who belongs to them. Free that job position so that someone suitable can fill it. And free yourself by doing so, to meet your perfect match or new job position and employer.
Be honest to yourself and see that what once was, no longer is. Acknowledge the change and move with it. Otherwise you're out of your integrity and you want to live with integrity. You want to live a life on your outside that is also a match to your inside.
Claim your aliveness now, open up to the unknown and soon you’ll look back and wonder why it took you so long.
Trust the timing
Sometimes when we want things to start or to progress and they feel stuck and not evolving as fast as we wish … the reason is the timing or purpose.
It's not quite time at the moment even if we want it to be. So if you’re hoping for a new partner, job or house … think about yourself as a baby in the womb. There is a natural and organic incubation period.
And when you’re willing to flow with it … it all unfolds effortlessly and at the perfect time. Instead, when you try to force the baby out of the womb too early, the result won’t be that healthy.
Maybe you or your future partner need to accomplish a certain purpose by themselves first so that your soul or their soul are truly ready and sustainable for each other.
When you feel confused and irritated - no matter what it is - the cure is always to surrender. You can affirm:
“Okay Universe, I have no idea what's going on here, this is bigger than me.
I trust. I'm going to move with it. I won’t fight it.
I will ask for guidance, I'm going to make the best possible decisions I can.
I won’t resist. I won’t rebel.
I'm going to surrender into the stream of life and let it take me to a better place that I might not be able to see yet.
I trust that the Universe has my back and that only good lies in front of me.”
*A Course in Miracles. This content is inspired by the material of my great teacher an d Coach Alan Cohen
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Love , Stephanie