A Woman Should Never Have To Convince A Man
Yes, we all have been there, haven’t we?
And wouldn't it be nice to have the man come toward us and claim us?
We as women are too often in our masculine energy, leaning forward, obsessing over and trying to control a certain outcome with a man.
Especially when we believe this is the perfect man for us.
I believe we all know how important it is to have a genuine connection with someone and when we are honest with ourselves, we feel it, whether there is a true connection with someone or not.
We as women tend to forget about that sometimes and fade out the fact that this particular man cannot be the right fit as there is no true connection there.
Instead we want it to fit, want him, so we idealize the man and forget about our intuitive truth.
Men on the other hand don't do that. They are clear that even though ‘this girl is a great person, .. she simply is not a perfect match for me, she is not the one.’
Yes, I know you might ask, why is he still showing up then, or wants to see me or keeps the contact when he already knows it's not really meant to be between you?
Men have a hard time rejecting a woman and just saying “this is not going to work … let's move in a different direction.”
Because men are usually more in their masculine energy where they try to pursue a woman and capture her attention, rather than reject her. Women on the other hand, are more accustomed to (politely please!) reject a man and let him know that there is no fit.
And yes, he most likely likes you and feels you are a great girl, where at the same time, he knows clearly you are not the one. And he does not know how to communicate with you and let you go properly.
Instead of being the “bad guy” and telling you openly that you are not the one for him, he just falls off of his efforts and the attention he gives you. He hopes you as the woman let him go as you want and expect more of a man.
Especially because he likes you and there is nothing wrong with you in his eyes - just that the genuine connection is missing for him and it's not the right fit.
Lack of ability to communicate openly on the male side and lack of self-love and the ability to listen to their intuition, feelings and feminine wisdom on the female part is what constitutes those situations.
And this is actually the root where confusion and irritation stems from.
Before we commit to someone, it's worth to truly feel and ask ourselves whether we are better off with this person or not.
And more than just looking at instinctual and natural aspects like “am I better off with this person status wise or financially?” …
We need to look at the aspects that truly create fulfillment, satisfaction or sustainability.
Helpful questions to find out whether we are better off with this person or not, would be to “am I a better version of myself next to that person? Am I a better person when I’m with this person? Am I more true to myself around this person? Am I feeling happy and fulfilled …? … not only when we are in direct contact but also in between seeing each other” …
A woman’s instincts for connection and protection would cause them to commit when she is actually not totally better off with a man.
A man’s instinct for conserving his energies and resources which he knows are limited, he does make decisions based on being better off with a woman.
And often, we might feel we’re in love with somebody when at the same time, we’re not happy at all.
Being happy is a level of fulfillment that requires so many parts. And do we take the time to ensure that all those parts being important to us are in place before we commit? Do we take the time to find out if we truly fit?
Men have this internal wisdom that they naturally bring and we can actually trust them on their picker to whom they commit. They are really looking whether they are better off with a specific woman or not.
And here is where I can support you with. I can help you to establish this connection with your heart again so that you will feel intuitively what is going on for you. And you will be able to own it, when your needs are not met. You learn to speak your truth and to be courageously authentic.
And this is when you can start to be honest and open with a man and appreciate his openness and honesty in return. And you’ll be able to take your time before you commit and to let go when it's not a match.
This openness and ability to be brutally honest with each other from the get go, will set you up for greater success if you get into an actual relationship or marriage with this person. Being more real with each other helps both to be clear and see clear.
Book a free discovery session!