Healing . Magic of Yoga
Enjoy a break - Slow down, calm down and relax - Feel good, feel content - Feel yourself (again) - Maintain your natural mobility and vital organ functions - Reduce your internal and external stress - Get in contact with your body and your needs - Become aware of your thoughts which determine your emotions - Learn how to change your thoughts and perspectives and by that your emotions and emotional state …
YOGA is a complex field that different people associate different ideas with.
My passion is to assist people in having radiant and happy faces as a result of a yoga class.
I achieve this through my attitude and by getting the above-mentioned aspects across during my teaching.
Despite age, flexibility, belief or previous experience…
Everyone can feel all these positive effects after a class.
Meditation and breathwork
Breath observation, breathing exercises, breath control are additional, wonderful instruments for more awareness, stillness, and relaxation, which I like to convey as part of my yoga classes or through individual coaching.
Yoga Therapy and Meridian Yoga
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) uses acupuncture to heal by placing needles on certain meridian points, while yoga heals by stimulating meridians, reflex points or energy zones through certain postures or movement sequences. Here, healing takes place without the use of needles.
I would be happy to put together an individual set of exercises which will support you physically, mentally and emotionally in releasing blockages and suppressed energy.
Therapy areas can be digestion, inner restlessness, headache, back pain, depression, anxiety, compulsions, or anger.
I teach all the above during my Body & Mind events I host twice a year in beautiful hotels around the world.
If you wish to book individual online yoga classes, I am here for.
What I definitely provide you with in all my coaching, are different yoga elements that support you on your journey.
Book a free discovery session with me!
Love, Stephanie