Take Your Power Back

Take your energy back, stay with yourself

All you beautiful highly sensitive people and empath feel what I am addressing here.

Sometimes it feels as if people have power over you.

Or you do feel drained by certain energies, don't you?

You find yourself thinking too much about them and thereby sticking around in their energy frame much longer than it would be healthy for you.

Or even physically, you feel magnetized to them and can’t let go.

Or you can’t resist doing something for someone you don’t really want to do.

A huge indicator that you’ve given your power away can also be stomach pain or feeling blown up.
Our solar plexus is our solar system and the center of our emotions and our power house. When people dock on or when you do something which is not in harmony with your soul, your belly is the first place to let you know. 

I know how frustrating it feels and how helpless it can make us.

And in order to feel more powerful, I always inspire people to see their own part in themselves that's causing a certain issue.

So when other people have power over you it's actually because you give them power over you.

You allow them to dock on to your solar plexus and suck the energy out of you.

Those people are energy vampires but only as far as you allow it to happen.

And the reason why you feel anger at a certain point is due to your soul who feels off balance. You are mostly angry about yourself. You see it's not healthy and yet, you can’t pull yourself out of draining situations.

Often, we as highly empathic or sensitive people, due to some drama in our childhood we had to tune to our environment in order to get our needs met. And it is like a deep ingrained pathway in our behavior.

The good news, we are adults now and with awareness and a desire to heal, we can turn this pattern around and act to our own benefit.

The cure is to learn to stay with yourself in the first place and keep your power and energy with you.

There are many ways and related tools, to do that like by having awareness about your patterns, being anchored in your self love, energetic cleansing and cord cutting and designing a new self-concept ...

Here I want to introduce you to the Frame Technique.

It changes your energy, you will feel completely different. 

You will be carrying yourself differently and people notice that energetic change in you.

Especially when you hold a people pleaser mentality or when you want to be able to set better (energetical) boundaries. 

In order to take your power and energy back you need to get and stay in your own frame. In other words you need to get back into your body and into your own field and learn how to stay there

Tool: The Frame Technique - 5-10 minutes

You can sit on a chair or on the floor.
Place a burning candle in front of you so that you can comfortably look at the flame.

Breath, you keep your eyes open the whole time. Unless your eyes get tired, rest them close for a moment.

When you inhale, you now look and focus on the flame while at the same time you feel a separation between the object (candle flame) and yourself and you feel really present in your body.

When you exhale, you let your gaze soften, you focus on the periphery of the flame and you feel connected to your surroundings, the object (candle) and maybe other objects in the space you are in.

As an option, you can visualize a specific person being the candle. So it helps you to practice staying in your frame while having the person in front of you.

Practice this for 5 - 10 minutes every day.

And this will be super helpful to remember it when you are outside or with other people and you feel sensitive to the energies.
Instead of the object being the candle, the objects are the people or a situation.

Inhale, feel yourself and the separation between them, exhale you connect with the environment around you and them.
And you feel a proper boundary between yourself and the whole space around you. 

So it helps you to stay in your own energy and power without giving your energy and power to others.

I love this technique.
If you wish for more support and inside about how to take your power and energy back, how to stay with yourself and how to put your own needs first, no matter what …

Book a free discovery call!

Love, Stephanie


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