Heal Your So Called “Depression” By Stepping Into Your Authenticity And Feminine Energy
First part of this article is among my blog posts: Part 1 on Depression
Yes, it takes courage to do things differently or disagree with the medical system and to trust in your own healing power as a result of embracing and taking care of your individual needs in life.
And I am not saying it's easy to self-empower you. It will ask you to step out of your habitual patterns and comfort zone in order to create new patterns, beliefs, perspectives and possibilities.
And it requires you to access and trust the feminine wisdom within you that ventures to make choices that go beyond the status quo and conventional wisdom as well as your current comfort zone in order to stay true to your deeper sustaining wisdom.
And yes, once you find yourself being depressed, it's tough to get out of the funk as there are also several physical chemicals playing a role in it that slow you down. And when the natural chemistry in our body is out of harmony, we are not who we can be.
One important aspect is definitely to get your hormones and signaling molecules in balance and you can do that by using natural, high quality supplements that are supportive when experiencing symptoms of depression.
There are two wonderful books by Henry Emmons “The Chemistry of Joy” and “The Chemistry of Calm”. They give you an understanding of supportive supplements.
And I would encourage you to find a doctor who specializes in natural medicine who can help you on eye height rather than an authority figure. A good healer will always take your intuition and wisdom into consideration as s/he understands that only you know what's best for you.
I have been there. Not a lot of people know that the symptoms of a so-called “depression” have been accompanying me for quite some time. And yes, sometimes I still feel it and I use it as every other emotion or feeling that arises in me and I feel it, be with it and let it go again by understanding its message and taking care of the need the “depression” wants me to call attention to.
I know how challenging it feels and I also can tell you that it's worth it to connect with your feminine wisdom, listen to your soul, and to learn to follow your bliss and to allow yourself to do what feels best to you.
The fun part is, when you get aware that you’ve already made more choices from that powerful feminine place than you know and that all of them worked out to your benefit.
The courage and clarity to make choices that are right for you come from the deep feminine wisdom within you willing to shake up the status quo to stay true to herself. And this wisdom is your superpower that gives you the ability to make choices that are true for you, even if they differ from what everyone else is doing, fly in the face of the way things have always been done or defy logic.
When you are connected with your heart and feminine energy, you are rooted in the place of you that knows what it's real, right and aligned for you. And the willingness to explore, trust, speak and act from your heart over conventional wisdom or outside intelligence even if it seems crazy or irrational, irresponsible, improbable or requires you to step out of your comfort zone. You know something is true as it resonates in harmony with your whole system and you feel it as one of those full body yesses. This yes is your feminine power that comes from your heart. And this is tremendously powerful.
In my experience, a suitable coach or psychotherapist is very important to have your back and help you through the soup in order to find clarity and reconnect with your heart again.
There is a transition like in every transformation which might feel a bit bumpy along the ride. This is totally normal as you change the belief system you got trained to and learn to trust your own inner guiding system.
However, once you get to the place where you love yourself and put your truth first, no matter what the Universe will never let you down. This is where the magic and miracle happen, where you suddenly meet people who understand and support you. Also, people who are no longer on your new vibrational level will leave your experience and this is a natural part of the process. It often happens peacefully and by itself, sometimes we need to actively let people go.
If you feel inspired to reach out to me, I feel happy to support you by helping you to connect with your heart feminine wisdom again! By doing so, you will feel more empowered and aligned with your soul so that you don’t need the “depression” any longer.
I feel happy to support you in your power and health!
Book a free discovery session with me!