A Lot Of Men Don’t Know How To Say NO! 

Somehow we can feel if a man feels obliged to call or text or meet us, rather than coming from his genuine heart's desire, can’t we?

And we don’t want to face the reason for that, which is … that he simply doesn’t feel the connection.

At the moment when you start being honest with yourself and admit, that ‘yes, it's not a fit with this man, even though I really would love it to be a match, the genuine connection or something else in this dynamic must be missing, otherwise he would simply be more present and pursue me and I would feel so much more relaxed right now … ‘

At this moment, everything will get so much easier.

Sometimes, there simply is no heart connection.

And no one is to blame for that. All it means is, that this man is not right for you. 

Cut him off … let him go.

Letting go and facing the unknown can be really scary.

And yet, you only want to choose a man who is crazy about you.

The trick is to not take it personally. 

And to be able to stay away of getting into the spiral of feeling sad or depressed and listening to that creepy voice inside yourself telling you,
“I’m not good, pretty or smart enough… otherwise he would love me” or
“ I’m not loveable” or
“I’m not worthy of love and a beautiful relationship”, or, or, or …

Believe me, even though you are the most amazing, gorgeous and attractive woman … you don’t fit with every guy.

And there is nothing wrong with that. 

You could date 100 men tomorrow and with 99 of them, you are just not a match. They are just not for you and you are just not for them. That's reality!

Hence, his unwillingness to move things forward with you is not a question of your value. It's due to the fact that you guys cannot live in alignment with each other in the long term. And he is recognizing and acknowledging it so he is pulling away. 

And this is a blessing that he pulls away! The more you get into your feminine energy and the more you can trust a man and in the Universe, … the more you can embrace that everything is working out for you. And the more you can actually honor what he's doing and that he’s doing both of you a huge favor. 

In a moment when you as the woman are maybe less clear than he is and for any reason just want to make it work and hold on past your intuition and listen to your heart… 

It feels so relaxing to be open to face that perspective and let go.

It’s helpful to understand that when we are dealing with the person that is not truly best for us, things are going to turn downward somewhere.

As we do not connect correctly with a person, something is going to go wrong. It can be someone is cheating, it can be both or one person is feeling unfulfilled or constantly arguing …

And isn’t that empowering to know?

Coming back to masculine and feminine energy.
Even though it's feminine to give a man direction by sharing our needs and wants and don’t wants … 

At the same time, it's definitely necessary to let him lead and give up control of the desire to a certain outcome. He needs to come up with the genuine desire to fulfill your needs, by himself.

If he cannot fulfill your needs wholeheartedly he is just not your man and you need to let him go from a place of self-love towards yourself. As you deserve a man who wants to make you happy. And he deserves a woman he wants to make happy organically and with ease.

A lot of men don’t know how to say NO!

And if you as the woman push him too much into lets say marriage by controlling him or even worse .. manipulating him, you will never be happy with the result longterm.

If a woman feels a strong need to pursue, make things happen or even propose to a man … It's because deep inside she senses he will never do it. And she’s trying to secure it by doing it herself.

If a man really wants a woman, he just does all those things by himselfs.

A lot of good men are in the wrong relationship and a lot of great women are in the wrong relationship because they were just not able to be true to themselves in the first place.

And this is where toxic behavior starts to arise. The soul feels that s/he is not at the right place to be with and wants to escape … 

And once we understand that better, we preserve ourselves to truth rather than trying to match something that is not a match.

This article is inspired by Stephan Labossiere.

And here is where I can support you if you wish. I can help you to establish this connection with your heart again. To feel worthy and deserving and loving of yourself so that you can let go of a man or situation that’s not serving you.
The connection with your feminine wisdom and the learning of the tools will help you to navigate through your dating experiences or your relationship.

Book a free discovery session,

Love, Stephanie


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