What If Your “Depression” Is Only A Disconnection From Your Feminine Energy?

You can turn your symptoms into “Well-being”! Once you understand the background …

“Depression” is only a symptom of not knowing how to express yourself,  being dominated by too much masculine energy, overwhelment, deeply ingrained hindering beliefs, … and you can turn that around! The cure of depression is expression, authenticity, integrity and self-empowerment.

I have often seen some of my clients - young women around their early twenties - finishing up their graduate degree or apprenticeship and feeling depressed and being a total mass. The masculine dominated educational and societal system soaked them into their “normal way of working” which is far from our feminine “natural way of being”. 

Especially when a woman is highly sensitive her whole system - body mind and soul - doesn’t want to accept what it is exposed to. 

The soul simply wants to rebel against what is so unnatural to itself. And lots of men are affected by that too. As a result people feel emotionally, mentally and physically depressed, tired and exhausted. 

Unfortunately, not so many people are aware of the holistic correlation so rather than embracing the sign of our body and changing our lifestyle by finding support and a way through the educational and societal system which is in alignment with your heart … 

People get medicated by regular doctors (as they do not know how to treat the symptoms differently) so that they can “function” on a more normal level and keep up with societal norms. 

Deep inside, those pure and sensitive, wonderful beings feel like not belonging to the majority or not being good enough or not being healthy enough .. 

As a holistically certified Psychotherapist, Hypnotist I am highly aware of the power of suggestions, I am not a huge fan of diagnoses. When they are made by doctors, people often believe blindly in what they say and accept it without a second guess. Also, then see themselves as victims which cannot be healed. 

Dis-ease is just the absence of ease in your personal, energetical system.

I am not against the traditional western medicine approach which has its place. Western medicine is about damage control and in case of an emergency, it's great! However it's unfortunately limited, only based on science and highly influenced by the pharma industry and our system which has no real interest in us people being truly healthy … 

There is far more to life than damage control. Whatever we do that enhances and keeps our life force (Prana or Qi) is what keeps us truly healthy. And all sorts of moving, yoga, acupuncture or other energy work enables our life force to flow and out of blockages. .

Healthy people are powerful and inspired to turn the system around. And of course the system is afraid of that to happen and rather keeps people sick so that they control them.

Good news, the system is changing and by listening to your heart, loving yourself as well as honoring and owning your beautiful being, you can actually promote this change and be a role model for others.

How, I'm gonna tell you in my next newsletter or you can check on blog posts, so that this one won’t get too long …

I feel happy to support you in your power and health!

Book a free discovery session with me!



Vegetarian . Vegan . Intuitiv


Heal Your So Called “Depression” By Stepping Into Your Authenticity And Feminine Energy